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Have Your Say about Your Local Health Services

Information on Local Health Services

Published: 28 February 2022

East Cheshire NHS Trust and Stockport NHS Foundation Trust are working

together to understand how some health and care services could be improved
and sustained in the future.

They are listening to opinions and experiences from health and care staff, patients, carers, and local people on what what currently works well, what could be improved, and whether there are any barriers that stop people from accessing health services.

There are several ways to give them your views:

  • Complete an online survey at
  • Request a paper or translated copy of the survey by calling 01625 663 918
  • Send an email to
  • Write to them at Patient Experience Department, 2nd Floor New Alderley House, East Cheshire NHS Trust, Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3BL

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