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Location of defibrillation units

a green and yellow sign with a heart on it

Defibrillator Map

Locations of defibrillators

This map shows the locations of defibrillator units within the council area to help residents understand their distribution. It also shows locations submitted by other local councils to build up a national map.

Please note, this map is not definitive and may contain errors. It should not be used for emergency purposes.

In case of emergency, dial 999.

Defibrillator locations

You can find defibrillators — also known as AEDs (automated external defibrillators) — at the following locations in Newbold Astbury and Moreton-cum-Alcumlow parishes:

  • Former telephone kiosk, New Road, Acker’s Crossing
  • Astbury Golf Club (01260 272 772), Peel Lane
  • Astbury Village Hall (07857 234 686) — attached to outside west wall
  • Glebe Farm coffee shop (01260 273 916), Astbury
  • Pecks Restaurant (01260 275 161), Newcastle Road
  • The Egerton Arms (01260 273 946), Astbury
  • The Horseshoe Inn (01260 272 205), Fence Lane
  • The Smithy (01260 276 164), Brownlow Heath Lane

Always call an ambulance (999) before using a defibrillator.

Having a heart attack does not always require the use of a defibrillator: defibrillators are for use in cases of cardiac arrest, i.e. when the heart stops beating.

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